• Adulting,  Budget,  Money

    Personal Finance 101: Basics of Money Management for College Students

    College is a space for learning and discovering. As a college student, you are constantly soaking in information and finding your place in your industry. Nevertheless, most college students lack knowledge of personal finance. It is equally important for everyone regardless of your major. Personal finance is essential to all students regardless of what your major is, especially since it is a critical skill to creating the lifestyle you envision for yourself such as achieving financial independence.  To this extent, we asked college students about…

  • Budget,  Debt,  Money

    $8,000 Later and Debt Free

    I recently paid off $8,000 worth of credit card debt. I am ashamed to say that I let my credit card get that high, but there are various factors that made it very easy to swipe my plastic card. I had my “this cannot be life moment” when I looked at that bill and realized I nearly maximized my credit card and I did not even have that equivalent amount in my savings account. I told myself I would pay it off eventually; however, this…

  • Budget,  Money

    Time to Evaluate all your Subscription Services!

    Let me ask you honestly, how much do you pay in subscription on a month to month basis. The truth is you probably do not know because it happens and you move on to the next thing. NETFLIX. DISNEY+. HULU. HBO. BLUE APRON. AND so many other subscription services take money from our account on a monthly basis without us really thinking about it. In finance, there is phrase called “stickiness” which relates to how companies create products and processes to not only get the…