• Budget,  Money

    Time to Evaluate all your Subscription Services!

    Let me ask you honestly, how much do you pay in subscription on a month to month basis. The truth is you probably do not know because it happens and you move on to the next thing. NETFLIX. DISNEY+. HULU. HBO. BLUE APRON. AND so many other subscription services take money from our account on a monthly basis without us really thinking about it. In finance, there is phrase called “stickiness” which relates to how companies create products and processes to not only get the…

  • Money,  Side Hustle

    How to Make Extra Money During College

    1. Brand Ambassador Program/Events Field Marketing is a strategy utilize by brands to build brand recognition by personalize the brand experience. A part of field marketing is having ambassadors who advocate for the brand. Five Hour Energy Collegiate Brand Ambassador Program was one of the funniest programs I was involved with during my college career. My main job included hosting table and mobile events where I gave free products to college students. To find if your college is part of brand ambassador program, I would…

  • Lifestyle,  Money

    How to Set S.M.A.R.T Financial Goals

    When it comes to finances, it is smart (Ha- see what I did there), to be clear regarding your desired outcome. Dreaming about one million dollars and developing an actionable plan for a million dollars are two different perceptive resulting in different outcomes. One gets you no where, while the other makes an idea more possible. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that allows you to set actionable goals. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Let us delve into how you develop an actionable…