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    Building an Emergency Fund: Preparing for the Unexpected

    Adulting can be a wild ride, filled with the unexpected, and just when you think you’ve got it all figured out the “abrupt” can throw your life out of balance. A sudden expense can become the difference between being fine and struggling to get by. In this article, we’ll navigate the importance of an emergency fund and how to build one, especially for times of uncertainty. So, grab your umbrella because we’re about to prepare you for those rainy days! So, what is an emergency…

  • Budget,  Debt,  Money

    $8,000 Later and Debt Free

    I recently paid off $8,000 worth of credit card debt. I am ashamed to say that I let my credit card get that high, but there are various factors that made it very easy to swipe my plastic card. I had my “this cannot be life moment” when I looked at that bill and realized I nearly maximized my credit card and I did not even have that equivalent amount in my savings account. I told myself I would pay it off eventually; however, this…

  • Creative,  Travel

    Start Your Morning with these 10 Positive Money Affirmations

    I am worthy. I can achieve all my financial goals. I am constantly moving towards financial freedom. I am being paid my worth. Each day  I am moving closer to my dream job/position.  Other people’s success does not diminish or lessen my own. My gut is always right. My rent is paid. I am well fed and have in abundance. Each day I’m getting closer to finishing projects I have started. Bonus: I am being paid well for my skill sets. via GIPHY