Branding,  Business,  Money,  Side Hustle

5 Unique Lessons To Learn Before Creating Your Brand

In today’s world, we have access to any and all information at the tips of our fingers. Starting a business was something that seemed so out of reach, but  is now the norm for a lot of people. I am one of these people who decided to take on the journey of starting a business venture. When I started my brand MATE WorldWide, everything seemed so easy at first. However, from lacking a proper structure to budgeting and PLANNING, I learned I was in over my head. For instance, I thought throwing an event was a piece of cake. I never thought much about product development and supply chain management which includes everything from manufacturing to market delivery. 

I’m not here to discourage anyone, just provide an opportunity to be prepared.  In fact after you read this article, you’ll be more inclined to start your brand and dodge mistakes I’ve made. While I’m no business expert and my charge headfirst attitude may have gotten me into some trouble, here are five things I have learned from running my own brand: 

  1. Planning is everything. Having a vision in mind is one thing, but if you want to make a vision a real thing you have to write your goals and aspirations down. Once you know what you want, you’ll need a way to get there — a plan. The best tip I can provide that I wish I knew when I started is to start from the end and work backwards. Your goals and aspirations for your business will be what you want, so think BIG. The plan encompasses all the little steps to accomplish those goals, so also think smart. 
  2. Define your target audience. As you write up a plan for your business there are a few points to keep in mind. Who are you serving? How do you want the customer/end user to feel about your business? And how sustainable is your plan? Who you serve is who buys, supports and wants your product. You must study your customer. Whether it’s your friends or a group you want to branch off into, see what they like, their habits, and behaviors. How your customer or potential customer  feels about your business is key. When you get a new iPhone do you burn on the inside for caving into capitalism or are you ecstatic that you’ve got the newest of the new? Nevertheless, all of these emotions are valid.
  3. What is your spark? Don’t think simple and boring but exciting and futuristic. How sustainable your business is comes down to how profitable and redeemable it is. Keep in mind it will be different for everyone at first. Budget to understand where your losses and gains come from and how much they are. 
  4. Pace yourself. Don’t go overboard on your first project, and if you do, just have a budget :). A redeemable quality goes hand in hand with profits, because that will reel the people in. Do you make quality garments that guarantee a loyal returning customer? Does your tequila keep people coming back? Do your videos and ads always hit home to the intended target? 
  5. Authenticity is irreplaceable. My point is to stand out from the crowd — be yourself and relatable at the same time. 

As I stated I’m no expert by far, but my experience makes up for not being born as Elon Musk. What I do know is, business is a lot of trial and error. I try to think of it as a formula that you already have the answer to, but you just need to plug in the right numbers and variables. Whatever you want to start, do it. You have to start somewhere to build on anything. Try new things — excel at it or fail. Then, try another thing and keep going until you get your “secret sauce”. I don’t have all the answers and I’m starting to believe no one really does. Continuously be aware of your surroundings and see what resources you have to use as tools to elevate your business. Hope the five lessons I learned will help you on your journey of being a business/brand owner. 

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