Creative,  Money

My Money Story: I Live in Abundance

What is your money story? Your money story focuses on your relationship with money starting from a young age and your experiences with money. Your experiences shape how you feel about money. For instance, if your family talked about money and they were transparent about finances, you may be more comfortable talking about money. Or if your family never talked about money and you saw constant struggle, you may fear money or have a scarcity mindset.

For me, I consider myself a money enthusiast. I love talking about money, being around money, and everything dealing with the subject matter. The only thing I do not like is to spend my money. I have always been the person who received money and immediately hid it. I would find a place where the money was completely out of site. Out of site and out of mind. In my head, I was keeping my money safe by saving it. I don’t know what I was saving for or why I was saving— I just did not like the idea of spending money. Up to this day, I try not to spend my own money. It just doesn’t feel good to be a couple of dollars “poorer” or at least that’s how I perceive it. However, my relationship with money is perpetually evolving. 

Now, I rather invest my money than spend it. There are some expenses while depreciating is still an investment. Let me explain if you had $20 and you’re hungry…do you save the money or spend it on groceries. I don’t know about you, but I’m spending it on food. I would love to hear your personal relationship with money. 

Grab a friend, family member, or your social media family and discuss the following questions about money. You may be surprise what you learn and the ways you may grow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your relationship with money? Is it positive? Do you hate it? Think it’s evil?
  2. What are somethings you’ve done for money? 
  3. If you were to get $100,000 today, what would you do?
  4. Do you want work for the rest of your life or eventually retire? 
  5. Have you recently transition from not making money to making a sufficient amount? How had you dealt with the adjustment?

Your relationship with money is very critical because money is a critical tool in our society. I wish that was not necessary the case, but it is. Money itself is neither good or bad, but rather it is a tool that enables us to achieve our life goals. While you may have a complex relationship now, it may not always be the same, especially as you grow and develop into adulthood.

I wish you the greatest luck on your financial journey, and I hope my story assist or inspires you on your journey.